Advisory Council for Financial Sustainability

The Advisory Council for Financial Sustainability of the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is comprised of individuals from every region of the state, from a variety of walks of life and professions who are passionate about the arts and arts education to benefit all Missourians. Council members are invited to attend quarterly meetings to help seek out ways to pursue funding to support MAAE services and programming. Meetings are held virtually, with plans for a hybrid (virtual and/or in-person) meeting at least once each year.  

Advisory council members provide information about potential sources of revenue or in-kind donation support from 

Advisory council members help expand our network of allies working to support arts education in Missouri. They may also choose to assist in the planning or implementation of fund-raising initiatives or giving campaigns to support the Alliance efforts.

If you are Interested in becoming a part of the MAAE Advisory Council for Financial Sustainability- please complete this information form. If you know of someone who would be a good fit for the MAAE's Advisory Council, please share their name and contact information via email -  

Advisory Council nominees recommended by the committee chair are presented for approval by the members of the MAAE's Executive Committee for approval.


The current chair is Harlan Brownlee. Current members of the Advisory Council may be found here.

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Meetings are from 3-4:15pm

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Consider becoming a part of MAAE's Advisory Council!

information form

or email: