D.E.I. & Delicious Dishes 

A project of MAAE's RIDE Committee

The RIDE subcommittee of the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, addressing issues related to racism, inclusion, diversity and equity has developed a project to connect students from rural and urban schools to build relationshipsincrease empathy and awareness of students’ common and diverse experiences, and gain deeper understanding.  


We refer to this cross-cultural youth development program D.E.I. and Delicious Dishes.

The vehicle for this exploration will include elements of fine arts, literary arts and food and the culminating project will be the publication of student selected recipes with accompanying stories and images which share the individual’s relationship with that food and it’s connection to their sense of identity, culture, family and/or community. 


The project includes a blend of in-person and synchronous virtual meetings. 



Collaborative planning, with a united team of educators working together to build a positive experience for the students, with clear and timely communication leads toward a successful and satisfying experience for all involved.

Want to become involved in DEI and Delicious Dishes 3.0 during the 2023-24 school year? Email director@moaae.org

Please review this letter (from 2022-23) inviting teacher leaders and administrators to learn more.

"There is mutual benefit for all parties. Students experience the perspecive of others whose life experiences are different and through sharing, they find commonalities. Engagement in cross-cultural experiences develops empathy and allows you to see the world from another point of view.


These are opportunities for students to meet and engage in dialogue and creation in person.

A successful pilot program was completed in the Spring Semester of 2022, and DEI and Delicious Dishes 2.0 continued throughout the 22-23 school year. MAAE's RIDE committee plans to seek funding to allow this initiative to continue. Read on for a few more details about the pilot partnership between Lebanon High School in Lebanon, Missouri, The Islamic School in Kansas City, Missouri and North East High School in Kansas City, MO

A visit to the Islamic Center of Greater Kansas City 

"It was great to hear kids talk about why Missouri is a "cave" state, or the fact that although they lived really close, but that they'd never gone to the Nelson. Hopefully, this project helps us not only see others, but also see ourselves." -Stephanie Hasty, ELA teacher - Lebanon HS

MAAE RIDE - Cross-Cultural Youth Development

Beginning in March of 2022, students from Lebanon High School met with students from North East High School in Kansas City and began a journey exploring DEI and Delicious Dishes.  This cross-cultural initiative sponsored by MAAE's RIDE committee unites rural and urban communities, and consists of remote collaborative interactive sessions via Googlemeet and field trip experiences in person. On April 2, 2022 the students from each school enjoyed a field trip experience to visit a mosque in the Kansas City area, and a trip to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. A field trip is planned for early May to bring NEHS students to Lebanon for the day. The experiences are designed to underscore participant connections to food, culture and identity, and will culminate in the publication of a cookbook featuring participant-selected recipes, annotated with personal stories and visual art. 

Want in? Want to know more? We are looking for future participants. Email director@moaae.org.

"It was a different experience that I truly enjoyed and look forward to more opportunities to interact with other cultures." - North East High School student

Students from North East High School in Kansas City and Lebanon High School meet at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
for cross-cultural dialogue and art experiences.

"What a great opportunity
for our students!"
-Stephanie Hasty, ELA teacher - Lebanon HS

Feeding the fish at the hatchery
Bennet Spring State Park

"I once lived in a rural community when I was much younger, but then moved to the Kansas City. It feels really strange and special to be reconnecting with a part of my past though my visit to Lebanon High School."
- North East High School student

MAAE - DEI and Delicious Dishes
Cross-Cultural Youth Development 

May 11, students from North East High School in Kansas City made the long journey by school bus to Lebanon High School for the final field trip in this cross-cultural youth development learning initiative sponsored by MAAE's RIDE committee. Despite high temperatures, students from both schools enjoyed learning experiences interacting with livestock and a picnic at Bennet Spring State Park. The collaboration between teachers and students from rural and urban communities will culminate in the publication of a cookbook featuring participant-selected recipes, annotated with personal stories and visual art. 


We are looking for future participants from both rural or urban settingwho may want to be involved in similar experiences in the future. Email director@moaae.org.

Students from North East High School in Kansas City and Lebanon High School interact with livestock as part of the
DEI and Delicious Dishes Initiative - May, 2022.

? ? ? Questions ? ? ?

Want to learn more? Want to become involved? Please reach out!  contact director@moaae.org.