Applying for PSEO

The PSEO application process and application deadlines often differ from college to college.

It is best to visit the college's direct website to learn about their specific application requirements and application deadlines. 

Below you will find links to PSEO colleges that are popular among MSA students. Please note that this is only a partial list of participating PSEO colleges, the full list of participating institutions can be found here.  

I want to apply for PSEO, what do I need to do?

Can I take MSA graduation requirement classes through PSEO?

Yes, you are able to take classes through PSEO that meet your MSA graduation requirements.  Please work with your high school counselor to ensure you are making adequate progression towards meeting graduation requirements.  If you are wondering if a class not listed will meet a graduation requirement, please also confirm this with your high school counselor before registering for the course.   The PSEO Course Equivelncy Forms are also a great place to ensure you are taking PSEO classes that count towards your MSA graduation requirements.