Parent Handbook


Drinking water is important! Your child should bring a water bottle to keep in the classroom each day, but they can only bring water into the classroom. This will help keep our classroom clean!

Contact Information


phone (Elementary School Office): 822-2840

E-mail or Parent Square is the most efficient way to get in contact. ☺

This year our district will be using Parent Square - this will be across the entire the district. More information will be coming!

Here is the link to our SeeSaw class site.

Home-School Folder

Your child will receive a home-school folder. This folder will go home from school nightly and needs to be returned to school each day.

Please check your child’s folder nightly for important papers and any homework your child may have.

Any notes or money that need to be brought to school should be in the folder.

Remember any money sent to school should be in an envelope with:

Your child’s name

My Name

How much money

Purpose of the money

Specials Schedule

The Elementary School runs on a 6 day cycle. Below is our special schedule for the school year.


School Hours & Absences

School Hours

School begins at 8:25. If your child will eat breakfast at school, it is served beginning at 8:00.

It is important that your child arrives to school on time so they will start the day settled and ready to learn!

The school day ends at 2:35. If you pick your child, you will pick them up from the cafeteria after buses leave at 2:40. You go to the cafeteria doors to sign out your child, they will meet you outside.

If you need to pick up your child early due to a doctor or dentist appointment, please send in a note in the morning. You will sign your child out of the main office when picking your child up early.


If your child will be absent from school please call the nurse’s office at 822-2843 send a note in with your child when they return to school.

Snack, Birthdays & Recess


Each day we will have a morning snack - please send in a small, healthy snack for your child. Fruit, vegetables, crackers or granola bars make a great snack.

Our snack time is short so please keep your child’s snack small!

Snack milk is 50¢ a day, or you can purchase a snack milk ticket in advance when you send money in. Just label the envelope!


If you would like to send in a special treat for your child’s birthday, please contact


We have recess daily from 12:05 -12:35

Students should be prepared with appropriate clothing for the weather. School policy is to go out unless the temperature of wind chill factor goes below 17 degrees.

Students need close-toed shoes for the playground.

A jacket or sweatshirt for cooler weather.

Boots, hats, mittens, snow pants/snowsuits are needed for colder weather.

Classroom Expectations

I have two rules for my classroom:

Work Hard

During the first week of school we will explore what it means to work hard and what it looks like in the classroom. We talk about how we can show we are working hard and how it looks different for everyone.

Be Kind

During the first week of school we also will explore what it means to be kind and what it looks like in the classroom. We talk about how we can be kind to ourselves, to our classmates and to adults in the classroom.

I like to focus on the positive and working on creating a community that supports each other. I will focus on positive behavior that I observe in the classroom. I use a variety positive behavior management systems. I change it up frequently. I strongly believe that everyday is a fresh start!


Homework in the early grades has negative results. Families have less time to spend together and homework can create negative feelings toward school and cause frustration. This year our class with participate Un-Homework, a alternative that gives student choice, incentives, saved time. More information will be coming home.

If you have any questions or would like typical homework sent home, please let me know.


Reading & Writing

We will continue using the SuperKids Reading and Writing Program this year. We will begin with a two-week Warm Up Unit to refresh our skills from 1st grade. For the rest of the school year we will build on the sound-spelling patterns and structural skills developed in 1st grade. Your child will learn new phonics and spelling skills, grammar, usage and mechanics skills. In addition to their readers they will also read fiction novels and non-fiction magazines in small groups. Your child will learn how to apply comprehension skills and strategies to the longer texts they read. In addition they will use the writing process to write longer narratives, informational texts and opinion pieces.


The students will be learning math in small groups rotating through different math stations meeting with me in a small group. The students will work independently, do a hands-on station, practice their math fluency.

The units are:

Place Value and Number Sense

Addition and Subtraction without Regrouping


Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping





Geometry (2D and 3D shapes)


Social Studies

In Social Studies this year we will learn about communities and different factors that affect a community. We will also learn some geography - learning about a compass rose and the continents. Finally, we also will learn about important U.S. symbols.


Our Science Units are:

The Nature of Matter

The Dynamic Earth

The Diversity of Life

Plants: Structure and Function