Image appears on a rainbow gradient under the More Light Presbyterians Logo. Text: More Light Presbyterians’ mission is to center and celebrate the lives, gifts, and leadership of LGBTQIA+ people in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and beyond. We accomplish this by igniting the prophetic witness of our ministry partners and by cultivating relationships rooted in mutual accountability and care. Together, we journey toward God’s promised liberation and flourishing for all creation.

More Light Presbyterians' statement regarding President Trump's statements and actions attacking gender diversity

Welcome to More Light Presbyterians

More Light Presbyterians is a non-profit organization dedicated to allowing the full participation of LGBTQIA+ people in life, ministry, and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society. You are welcome here, and you are loved.

We seek to serve Christian communities and center God’s abundance in all we do and all we are.

We are currently in a stage of transition and will be working on a brand-new website. In the meantime, you may contact us for more information or locate a congregation / campus ministry near you.

Contact Us

We would love to connect with you! Whether you are interested in starting a conversation on inclusion in your congregation, would like to have a More Light staff-member visit your church to preach or teach a class or workshop, or if you are looking for a resource and can’t locate what you need, we’d love to hear from you.

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