Dear Students,

For me, the ideal classroom emphasizes curiosity and cooperation above all, and I'll learn to use my teaching strategies to accommodate you. I value the education of the students and want them to learn to their fullest potential. I want you to be engaged and have fun in the classroom. My favorite part of my former science classes was the hands-on experience and how the teachers encouraged the students to ask questions and think critically. 

I don't want you to think education is a waste of time or that science is boring. Science has always been my favorite subject, and I want to spread my joy of science. I want to help you all develop the skills you need to ask challenging and meaningful questions. In my classroom, developing these skills can be achieved through facilitating group discussions or performing science experiments. I want you to interact with one another in the class, so you can work together and solve problems as a group. I want there to be a sense of community, I want everyone to feel safe in this classroom environment. 

“The educator who takes to heart all these lessons about human nature doesn’t assume that he can stand off to the side while children automatically grow into responsible adults. Rather, he models and explains and shows them he cares” (Kohn, 2008). I want my future science students to know that I do care about them, want them to think critically, and most of all, feel safe and have a positive experience in my classroom. It's a pleasure to be your teacher, and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.

All the best,

Mr. Torres

Physical & Life Science Teacher

South Lindhurst High School

Table Top Mountain

Biology students identifying plant species.

Science Is Everywhere

Gridley High School

Physical science students planting trees around the school.

Sacramento Crime Lab

Forensics students visiting the crime lab.

Physical Science Class

Whoosh bottle demonstration. Safety First! 

T-Rex Torres

Just another normal day in the classroom.