Future Work

Part of our project focused on researching programs, initiatives, and toolkits that aim to help people navigate the ethics of using online platforms. The other sections of our project attempt to fill the gap pertinent to the search process specifically. However, we understand that there could be more work done. Also, we’ve found many projects that are interested in other areas of online platform navigation. So we have compiled a list with our suggested future ideas and alternative projects dedicated for online spaces.

Future Ideas:

  • Further research into the complexity of algorithms should incorporate real user experience, meaning that users should be able to contribute their complications with online platforms (e.g., screenshots of search results from an online platform).

  • Ideally, we would love to develop an online repository that showcases users' search suggestions, results, targeted ads, etc. This visual collection of information would illuminate who is seeing what when using specific search engines/applications. This would illuminate algorithmic bias, predatory and discriminatory practices, and what personal data is being collected and utilized.

  • We would also like to develop our work more extensively by covering more platforms.

  • Screenshots and technical details of how to search for the platforms currently presented will need to be updated as those platforms update.

Related Projects and Platforms:

  • Strategizing Online Activism: a toolkit for ethical online activism by the Association for Progressive Communications

  • The Ethics of Content Labeling: Examining New Approaches for Social Media and Online Platforms: a research project through Northeastern University that works to "provide robust social and ethical analysis and evaluation of different approaches to online content labeling."

  • Neeva: an ad-free search engine

  • DuckDuckGo: a search engine that does not collect or share personal information

  • Clicky: a Google Analytics alternative that is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)-compliant

  • Ecosia: a search engine that uses ad revenue to plant trees

  • MetaGer: a search engine with transparent algorithms and protection against censorship

  • Searx: a metasearch engine that has no user tracking or profiling

  • Brave: a fast, private, and secure web browser for PC, Mac, and mobile

  • Tor: a browser that blocks third-party ads and trackers