Classroom Invite Links

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These links will allow you to 'Join' the Classrooms and only need to be used one time.

You should be able to join these classrooms with your MI Wing or personal Google account.

Invite Links to Join a Classroom:

sUAS Program and Operations - Training for sUAS Technicians and Mission Pilots. One assignment for each SQTR task so you can track your own progress. Note: Once you join a Classroom simply go to the Quick Links page on this site or to continue your learning in the Classrooms you have joined.

The following is no longer a Google Classroom type site:

Civil Air Patrol Drone Wiki A wiki site from CAP formerly 'Arizona Wing Drone Wiki' that enhances, combines and replaces the two classrooms 'SWR CAPF-5U School' and 'SWR UASMP School'. The CAP Drone Wiki contains excellent training topics for sUAS including the Form 5u with details for every line item, the section titled 'WMIRS Training' is a good example about how we could use WMIRS with the sUAS Program and much more. Developed by Lt Seidell, Arizona Wing, South West Region.