file cabinet

The File Cabinet is where all the documents used for the sUAS Program and Operations can be found.

The File Cabinet named 'Documents' is a shared Google Drive Folder.

In the Documents File Cabinet are organized drawers (or sub-folders) which contain the actual documents.

Documents File Cabinet opens in a new tab or window.

Hopefully this makes documents easy to find. You can always use the 'Search in Drive' box as well.

The Drawers (sub-folders) are organized as follows: (links are below descriptions)

  • Checklists - all checklists used in sUAS Operations

  • Forms - CAP Forms that are referenced like CAPF-xxx

  • Manuals-CAP - CAP Manuals that are referenced like CAPM-xxx, currently empty

  • Manuals-sUAS - specific sUAS aircraft owners or operating manuals from the manufacturer

  • MOUs - Memorandums of Understanding between CAP and other organizations

  • MS-ICE - Image Composite Editor install files for Windows.

  • Pamphlets - CAP Pamphlets that are referenced like CAPP-xxx

  • PowerPoints - Power Point Presentations about the sUAS Program and other related topics

  • ProgramUpdates - sUAS Program Updates from National Headquarters

  • Regulations - CAP Regulations that are referenced like CAPR-xxx

  • TaskGuides - sUAS Task Guide for Mission Pilots and Technicians, SQTRs for each qualification, MARTs (Mission Aircrew Reference Text) (for manned aircrew) which are referenced throughout the sUAS Task Guide.

  • Training Profiles - suggested Training Mission / Proficiency Profiles to use for UAS Mission Pilots.

Note: The official source of sUAS information and documents at