Important Reminders 

Learning Update!

Hello Prep Families!

Just that like that we have finished half of the school year! It has been absolutely incredible to watch each child grow at school in their first Semester. They have settled in wonderfully, learnt how to challenge themselves, built connections with friends and done it all with a smile on their face. 

In Literacy, we finished off our Non-Fiction unit by creating a class non-fiction book containing a contents page, captions, titles, labels and photos! In Writing the students created their own Information Poster about a topic of their choice and did a wonderful job publishing their writing. Publishing is a chance to celebrate their writing as an Author and we could not have been more impressed with the care and dedication they took to publishing. 

In Maths, we enjoyed playing some counting games to finish the term and played games such as Block Builder (rolling dice and building a tall tower), Snakes and Ladders, and Doubles Bingo. These are great games you could play at home to continue developing your childs counting skills.

It has been another great term and we cannot wait for what Term 3 has to hold, however before we start that adventure, the students deserve a well earned rest in the holiday.

Term 3 Important Dates

100 Days of School!

Dear Families,
We are excited to announce that we will be celebrating the students 100 Days of School on Monday the 29th of July!
It has been incredible to see them grow as learners and thinkers and we feel priviledged to be able to be apart of their journey at school.
The day is sure to be lots of fun filled with laughter, learning and some special surprises.

We will be sending some more information home next week regarding a special lunch and will follow up with you in Term 3 about further details for the event!

Costume Ideas

Specialist Timetables

Students are able to borrow one book from the Library each week. However, they can only do so if they bring their library bag. Please ensure you child remembers to bring their library bag to school on their allocated library day (shown below) to avoid disappointment. 

If your child has a specialist class in the afternoon, that teacher will take the students out to the basketball court for dismissal.  

Please note- Timetables change regularly for interruptions such as, NAPLAN, Camps, events etc. Teachers will update the website of any changes. 

Prep A - Mr Delaney

Art - Tuesday
PE - Tuesday
Auslan - Tuesday
STEM- Friday
Music - Friday
Library - Wednesday

Prep B -
Miss G

Art - Tuesday
PE - Tuesday
Auslan - Tuesday
STEM - Friday
Music - Thursday
Library - Monday

Prep C - Mrs Moore

Art - Tuesday
Auslan Tuesday
PE- Friday
STEM - Friday
Music - Friday
Library - Monday

Information Pack

Your child will now have their take home folder in their school bags. This will need to come to school each day with their diary and will be taken home in the afternoon. You can use this diary to communicate with you child's teacher.  We hope you enjoy our 'first day' hand prints that will be inside the folder. 

What to bring to school!


The Prep students have 3 eating times every day! They will need a small container of brain food, this being a cut up piece of fruit in a small separate container, morning snack and lunch.  

Toilet - If students have accidents, they will need to change themselves and we encourage a change of clothes in their school bags. If they soil themselves, you will be contacted and they will be sent home.  

Please remember that students are required to wear a sun smart hat to school Terms 1 and 4.  If they forget their hat, unfortunately they will need to sit in the shade. No Hat, No Play! 


The Prep students will receive their class diaries during the first week of school! This will go home with them each night, in addition with their Take Home Reader!