ELAS Corrections for Initial ELPAC

Local Educational Agencies are allowed to make one correction per student per lifetime to an English Language status.  This process can be used if a parent/guardian or certificated employee of the LEA requests a review of the student’s classification on the basis of the results of the Initial ELPAC. Typically, the process will be used if a parent/guardian or certificated employee can provide evidence that a student who was classified as English Learner (EL) after taking the Initial ELPAC should be classified as Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP). This process must occur before the first administration of the Summative ELPAC starting in February. 

Initial ELPAC Correction_ EL to IFEP.pptx

ELAS Correction PPT: Information and Process

ELAS Correction Info Sheet-MV.pdf

ELAS Information Sheet for HSTs