mission assist

Strategy | Planning | Praxis | Support


Ray Murphy, principal

Ray's career has been devoted to facilitating and leading social change with an emphasis on grassroots community organizing.

Before founding Mission Assist, Ray served as the deputy director at Pennsylvania Voice. There, he played a driving role in the growth of the organization as center of gravity for civic engagement and democracy advocacy--especially voting rights.

In addition to Pennsylvania Voice, since 2001, Ray has served in a variety of roles supporting organizing in Pennsylvania and across the country. He led grantmaking for a Southeastern Pennsylvania foundation, developed scalable volunteer voter contact programs for a national organization, staffed a statewide coalition devoted to fair taxation, and worked as an organizer on many issue and electoral campaigns.

Ray brings to his clients a wealth of personal experience and lessons from his experience as a fundraiser, writer, leader, manager, and entrepreneur at various local, state, and national organizations devoted to making change through organizing.

Ray is a Pennsylvania native who grew up in West Philadelphia, where he still lives today with his partner and two children.