Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2024!

Summer Camp will be closed on JULY 4th and JULY 5th 

Registration is done through our Smart Care App. The link will take you directly to the application. Once you complete the application you will be directed to ELC Google drive to select the weeks you wish to reserve. YOU DO NOT have a reservation without completing the google form. Please take note that each week you reserve you will be automatically charged a $10 non-refundable deposit to hold your spots. Registration will remain open until we reach capacity of 100 students. 

Register Below:


This is the google doc to reserve the specific weeks that you will need for Summer Camp. Please fill out form for each child! You will need to fill out this form and also the Smartcare registration to officially be enrolled for Summer Camp. Once you have registered and filled out this google doc you will be automatically charged $10 per week, per child that you have chosen. Our Summer Camp Program will run for 8 weeks total starting date June 3rd ending July 26. Tuition will be added onto your accounts every Friday! These must be paid prior to your child attending Summer Camp Monday morning.

Below you will find  our payment schedule for each week please be sure you have to funds in your Smartcare account. A students account that is not pre-paid one week prior to the week they plan to attend they will not be permitted to attend camp. 

Payment Schedule:

Week 1 : $180.00 (5/31/24)

Week 2: $180.00 (6/7/24)

Week 3: $180.00 (6/14/24)

Week 4: $180.00 (6/21/24)

Week 5: $108.00 (6/28/24)

Week 6: $180.00 (7/4/24)

Week 7: $180.00 (7/12/24)

Week 8: $180.00 (7/19/24) 


ELC attends a field trip every Thursday during Summer Camp. The last week we will attend a Field Trip on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will post the Field trip schedule at the end of May.