Google Classroom

Grades 2 - 12

Google Classroom is the district platform for students in 2nd through 12th grade. Here are some things students will need to know how to do in Google Classroom:

Many teachers in the Milton Public Schools use Google Classroom to help manage their class(es). It is a common misconception that family members can join a Google Classroom. Only students and staff in the domain have the right to join a Google Classroom. Teachers can invite family members to receive summaries. For more information on Guardian Summaries please click here.

Families have asked how to help their students turn in assignments on Google Classroom. Here are instructions on how a student can turn in an assignment on Google Classroom.

Elementary families who need support with their student’s Google username and password, please email your student’s teacher for this information.

Common Sense Media's Ultimate Guide to Google Classroom

Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students by Shake Up Learning.pdf