

The BUSINESS focus of College and Career Awareness fulfills 1/3 of a full-year course.


This course will explore various aspects of the world of business, computer programs, and careers. The students will learn problem solving through hands-on experience with activities geared toward careers in business and marketing. Students will become better communicators through instruction in marketing, advertising, and entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to work as an individual and as a team through our business simulation. Other activities involve personal finance, Microsoft programs, and career exploration.


Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

  1. Use your own time wisely!
  2. No food, candy, or drink in the classroom.
  3. Respect all equipment! Report problems immediately!
  4. Touch only YOUR computer—leave other students’ computers alone.
  5. Cell Phones must be turned off (not on vibrate) when in class.


Students need to have the following EVERY DAY in class for preparation points: Notebook, Pen/Pencil, Folder


Good Class referral; positive notes, emails, or phone calls home.


CTE Intro is a year-long course, but students are with a different teacher for each 1/3 of the year (trimesters). Grading for Mr. Crowe’s quarter will be based on the following scale:

A = 93-100 B- = 80-82 D+ = 67-69

A- = 90-92 C+ = 77-79 D = 63-66

B+ = 87-89 C = 73-76 D- = 60-62

B = 83-86 C- = 70-72 F = Below 60


The Information Network Acceptable Use Policy that the parents and students have signed will be followed. Any mistreatment or damage of computers will result in a referral to administration. The student will lose the right to use the computer for the unit and possible the rest of the quarter. Written activities will be provided for student.


The school tardy policy, as outlined in the district policy, will be followed.

The student will be given two tardies. At the third tardy, the student will be placed in the roll as an unexcused absence, and this will be counted toward their six days of absences.


1. The homework in this class is limited. Time is given in class to complete most of the projects.

2. Computer work can be turned in for two weeks after due dates. After school labs available for make-up work. Nearpod and Google Classroom assignments are set up so students can make them up from home.

3. When non-computer homework is assigned, the student will be given a firm due date for returning the assignment. Credit will be 50% for one week after due date.

4. When student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for any missed work the day the student returns to school. Missed homework will be given, along with a new due date.


For any computer work not completed, the lab will remain open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Computer work can be turned in for full credit for two weeks after the due date.


E-mail: ed@millardk12.org

Phone: 743-5660

Conference Period: 7th period