Foundations of Education


Course Description:

  • Foundations of Education is an introductory course designed to inform students about careers in education and learning support professions including teaching, counseling, and areas of specialization in education. This course serves as the foundation course for the Teaching as a Profession (PreK-12) (TAP) and Learning Support Professionals (LSP) programs of study. Upon completion of the course, a proficient student will have foundational knowledge of human development, understanding of course standards and curriculum, the history of public education, and required ethical and professional responsibilities. As part of a student’s program of study progression, the student will create a digital program of study portfolio, providing evidence of mastery of course standards and readiness to advance and complete the program of study.

Course Preview Video

Additional Resource

Provides students and parents with detailed information about CTE pathways, courses, Honors, Completer recognition, certifications and more!

Contact Information

Jamie Ludwig


Phone: (808)307-4349