Middle School Art Show

This year had its own different challenges that our flexible students were able to roll with. We were very happy to return to our art classrooms. We were also able to use a variety of art materials and to be able to SHARE materials again! It was amazing to see how much our students NEED to express themselves through the visual arts. The pandemic seemed to have ramped up their creativity and willingness to try new ideas. Never have we seen more students willing to challenge themselves and express themselves creatively. Our students have truly been creative problem solvers which will help them throughout their futures, wherever that takes them. We are excited to share with you a small sampling of the beautiful work our students created this year.

Creativity can solve almost any problem.

The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.” George Lois

Sincerely the Middle School Art Teachers

Mrs. Kathleen Bacon

Ms. Cynthia Dobie

Mrs. Deanna Dotson

Mrs. Megan Laudenslager

Mrs. Shelly Palmer

Mrs. Jennifer Sandholm

Mrs. Kelly Schwarz

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."

-Edgar Degas