High School Information

Integral resources and support information related to course selection for high school students will be updated as necessary.

Principal Letter

Course Curriculum Guide Letter 2023

Graduation Requirements

For additional information please review the following documents:

High School Program of Studies

To review a comprehensive list of courses offered to High School Students, please review this Program of Studies.

Athletics Programs

For additional information regarding interscholastic sports, please review the following links:

High School North and South

Student Activities

Please be advised, although High School North and High School South have similar activities, some may be school specific.  A complete list is available from the Guidance Department in each high school.

MHSN Co-Curricular Offerings

MHSS Co-Curricular Offerings

Grading Scale and Ranking System

District Grading Scale 

* Each course is counted equally to all other courses regardless of level—i.e., College-Prep, Honors, or Advanced Placement.

Student Ranking System

An unpublished class rank is calculated three times for students during their high school years. This rank is generated for use in complying with Middletown BOE District initiatives and NJ State requests. Students are ranked via their weighted one hundred point scale three times as indicated below:

* Individual unpublished class rank is released only with a signed opt-in parental consent form which may be obtained from the guidance office. 

The unpublished class rank is calculated using a weight factor of:

Course credits awarded for successful completion of a course are as follows: 5.0  for a full year course, 2.5 for a ½ year course, 1.25 for a ¼ year course (ex. Health), and 3.75 for a ¾ year course  (ex. Physical Education).

An explanation of how class rank is calculated is provided in Board Regulation #5430 and may be accessed on the district website by selecting “District Policies and Regulations” under the “Board of Education” tab.