
All assignments will be kept inside your math binder.

If you should be absent and are not able to log on virtually or attend class in person:

  1. You should reach out to another student in your class and find out if any new assignments were added.

  2. It is also a good idea to exchange phone numbers with one or two students in the class so that you have someone you can call when you are out.

  3. Google Classroom will also keep you up to date.

  4. Email Mrs. DeGennaro for what you are missing.

If you should be absent and have permission to be "virtual": (this may not be an option for 2022/2023)

  1. Log on to our class Virtually and take notes as you would in class.

  2. Please complete all classwork & homework that is being asked to be completed as if you were in class.

Almost all of the problems that you will be assigned for homework will first be discussed. Your job will be to take the understanding gained from the lesson and demonstrate your individual understanding of the problem. You will need to show all of your work on paper in order to receive full credit. You will also be asked to explain not only the answer to a problem, but also your thinking and understanding to a problem.

Proper Heading on every paper:

Any work that you hand in or have in your binder needs to include the following heading. Failure to have this heading will result in a lower grade.

Prepared for Class

Chromebook charged

pencils sharpened prior to coming to class


colored pen

2 different color highlighters

1 1/2" 3 ring binder (hard binding)


previous classwork

a smile and ready to learn :)