Resources and Policies

District Libraries Vision and Mission:


Each Middlesex School District Library Media Center seeks to be the heart of its school, inspiring students to understand more of the world around them and to approach problems and ideas with perseverance and creativity.


The mission of the Middlesex School District Library Program is to serve as the hub of our learning communities, providing resources for both students and teachers to support interdisciplinary, authentic exploration of the world, of personal interests and of our potential to contribute to the larger community.

Collection Development Guidelines:

Informed by our District Libraries Vision and Mission as well as Middlesex Board policy, our collection development policy seeks to meet the following criteria, as stated in Board Policy 2530:

1. Material will be suited to the varied interests, abilities, reading levels, and maturation levels of the pupils to be served;

2. Wherever possible, materials will provide major opposing views on controversial issues so that pupils may develop under guidance the practice of critical reading and thinking;

3. Wherever possible, materials will represent the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contribution to American heritage;

4. Materials will be factually accurate and of genuine literary or artistic value;

5. Materials will be of a quality and durability appropriate to their intended uses and longevity;

6. Materials will relate to, support, and enrich the courses of study adopted by the Board.

In keeping with these guidelines, the library staff also consider recommendations and requests for resources from students and teachers which adhere to this guidance.

Process and Form for Reconsideration of a Title or Resource

As per policy #9130, PUBLIC COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES from the Middlesex Borough School District Policy file:

“Complaints about textbooks, library books, reference works, and other instructional materials used in the district will be made in writing and submitted to the Superintendent... ”

A review committee will review this form and report to the Board. The Board will make a final decision as to the action to follow.

“A copy of the committee's report and the Board's action, if any, will be given to the complainant.”

Please complete the following... (click HERE to open an editable copy with a Google Account or HERE for a view-only copy to print and fill out a hard copy).