Middlesex Borough Public Schools
Library Services
You can now place books on Hold!
You can now place books on Hold!
The Central Role of Library Media Centers in Middlesex
The Central Role of Library Media Centers in Middlesex
We asked our students and teachers
We asked our students and teachers
"What Libraries Are...":
"What Libraries Are...":
Libraries are resource centers in our schools.
Libraries are resource centers in our schools.
Libraries are interdisciplinary, authentic and designed for independent learners.
Libraries are interdisciplinary, authentic and designed for independent learners.
Libraries prioritize the skills of thinking, analyzing, communicating and collaborating.
Libraries prioritize the skills of thinking, analyzing, communicating and collaborating.
Library content is the vehicle, thinking is the goal.
Library content is the vehicle, thinking is the goal.
Libraries are not driven by high stakes testing scores.
Libraries are not driven by high stakes testing scores.
Libraries are the community centers of our schools.
Libraries are the community centers of our schools.