Joining the YRG

Undergraduates in the YRG primarily do research on the application of Mayer's Multimedia Principles to educational chemistry YouTube videos. This project focuses on qualitative as well as quantitative analysis skills in analyzing these videos. Undergraduate researchers regularly present at the Undergraduate Research Forum each spring and have authorship opportunities as well.

Learning Outcomes

As a member of the Yezierski Research Group, undergraduate researchers will be able to. . .

  1. Identify important protocols for human subjects research upon completion of CITI training,

  2. Analyze qualitative data both inductively and deductively to form conclusions about student learning,

  3. Investigate beginning descriptive and inferential statistics to make substantiated claims,

  4. Assess how the theories about how people learn chemistry inform chemistry teaching and research to contribute to group meeting discussions, and

  5. Generate high-quality CER work (e.g., posters and papers).

Please contact Dr. Yezierski to discuss what you could do and learn as a member of the Yezierski Research Group!