Montrose High School

Work-based Learning



STEM Leaders

National Inventors Hall of Fame Summer Internships

Volunteer to be a STEM Camp Inventor right here in Montrose at Oak Grove Elementary School on June 1-5, 2020 from 9:00am-3:30pm. Designed exclusively for high school students, our Leadership Intern program reinvents summer volunteer programs. Leadership Interns work closely with Camp Invention® and Invention Project® participants to help them explore STEM concepts and become creative thinkers who can invent a better tomorrow. If you are interested in volunteering, sign up at or call 970-249 6867.

Colorado Political Internship

James Iacino’s campaign for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District is looking for motivated students who

are committed to enacting change through grass-roots political activism. Interns will be given the opportunity to develop professional skills that will be broadly applicable to

future careers both in and out of the political arena. No prior political experience is required but the ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal skills and a

commitment to growth in a professional environment. Interns should expect to commit 5-10 hours a week, logistics will be worked out on a case-by-case basis.

Interested applicants should send a resume and brief (2-3 sentences) statement of interest to:


Here are the MHS students who Pinhead has accepted into the Summer 2020 Pinhead Internship Program:

  • Caitlin Ogoe
  • Eliram Reyes-Powell
  • Carmen Puentes
  • Seyde Delgado
  • Jordan Copeland
  • Zack Vincent
  • Natalia Graham

National Guard

Free Professional Portrait

Hiring Fair

State of Colorado Hiring and Resource Fair Montrose Flyer addl logos.pdf

Western Colorado Learning Lab

Western Mobile Lab.pdf

Summer Job Opportunity

Students are you interested in working for the Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP and Curecanti National Recreation Area this summer. Applications open in Mid-November and there will be a representative here at MHS on Wednesday, November 13th. Sign up in the PoWeR Center by November 11thto talk to the HR Specialist and employees for the USAJobs about resumes and applications for the upcoming summer season. Job positions available include Trail Maintenance, laborer, Interpreter, Visitor Services, Greeter, etc. These positions open up in Mid-November for summer jobs in 2020. The hiring process takes a little time and effort and they would like to give MHS students an opportunity before the job positions close. You can also look at job opportunities in areas out of the Montrose area like Mesa Verde, Moab, and the Colorado National Monument, etc.

Pinhead Applications

Students interested in Pinhead for future Science & Engineering Internships:Pinhead Internship Program provides students with the opportunity to gain practical skills and experience in various scientific fields of study, including (but not limited to) neuroscience, physics, conservation, chemistry, biology, and much more. Pinhead internships provide experience and opportunities for students to work with people who have dedicated their lives to academic pursuits about which they are passionate. Pinhead site if you want to check it out: The Power Center is sponsoring a bus to the informative meeting on October 7th.
Students interested in Pinhead for future Science & Engineering Internships:The seven 2019 MHS Pinterns will be presenting in the library during lunch on Wednesday September 18 from 11:00 to 11:50 at the Montrose HS. They will also present in Telluride on October 8th. This if for interested sophomores and juniors so they can see what the experience is like from the student point of view before signing up for the information meeting in Telluride in October. There are signup sheets in the PoWeR Center, if you are interested in attending the lunch presentations on September 18th. First come first serve until all slots are full. MHS Presenters are Caroline Graham, Clara Carrasco, Danny Bynum, Eric Gutierrez, Jay Alcazar, Ryan Fife, and Trey Schwerdtfeger, as well as the Pinhead coordinator.
internship flyer.pdf

State Patrol Youth Academy

Sophomores and Juniors, if you are interested in applying for the Colorado State Patrol Youth Academy, July 19-25, applications are online at and due March 22. There is more information in the MHS PoWeR Center. The academy is a free opportunity to focus on leadership development through team exercises and individual achievement. Cadets will become familiar with the basic elements of the CSP Academy through a demanding daily training schedule. The CSP Youth Academy is mentally and physically demanding and will challenge all participants. The Academy is limited to forty-five participants selected throughout the state.

Writing Contest

Announcing a writing contest for high school and college students from across the U.S. to pen the best profile of someone who is living with or who has passed from Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Check out this website for details: Nearly 50 million people worldwide have dementia. Their stories deserve to be told, even if they can no longer tell them themselves. We hope that you’ll join others in shining a light on dementia by submitting your loved one’s story. Tons of prizes are up for grabs! Winners will be featured across all platforms and invited to celebrate at an exclusive 2020 gathering. All stories must be submitted by March 13, 2020. The contest is sponsored by Hilarity For Charity, AARP, Generations United, Memory Well, NSPA.

Teen Advisory Board

Partners in Montrose

Youth Board Opportunity: Partners Mentoring Youth in Montrose is putting together a Teen Advisory Board to get the opinions from local teens about activities and prevention tactics. The teen board members will also have a chance to participate in some of our activities, like sledding and ice skating. If you have good leadership qualities and would like to apply to be a Partners board member, please reach out to Jordan Gruppuso at (732)-991-9357 or

Teen Advisory Board

Montrose Community Library

Teens from age 13-18 are invited to apply to be on the teen advisory board, redesign a teen space in the library, plan and help run programming for teens, and advise library staff on decisions that impact teens in Montrose. Informational meeting is Thursday, January 16 in the Montrose Library meeting room at 4:00pm.

Writing Contest:

Fleet Reserve Association

Writing Contest for your Social Science Students: Students would you like to win $5,000? The Fleet Reserve Association is accepting essays for “What My Vote Will Mean To Me.” The deadline is December 1, 2019. See your Social Studies teachers for information or stop by the PoWeR Center. The website is and the contact is Charles Johnson 970-249-0891


All entrants shall be students in grades seven through twelve (or equivalent). Entrants must be sponsored by a branch of the Fleet Reserve Association or a unit of the Ladies Auxiliary, or by an FRA Member-at-Large. The essay shall be on the theme designated and shall not exceed 350 words. The essay shall be legibly written/typed on one side of paper. The title of essay shall be written or typed at top of paper. A student may submit only one entry each year. Each entry must be accompanied by a separate sheet stating: the entrant’s name; address; zip code; telephone number; school grade (or equivalent); name of school or the words “home schooled;” number of words in essay; and the sponsoring branch/unit or sponsor’s name. Entries submitted to branches shall be submitted to the Branch Americanism-Patriotism Committee and postmarked not later than December 1, for judging at the branch level. Entries sponsored by membership at large members shall be submitted to the national chairman and forwarded to an appropriate branch for judging in their respective grade group. All entries shall be postmarked not later than December 1.

Voice of Democracy

Students would you like to win $100-$30,000? The Voice of Democracy is excepting essays and podcasts for “What Makes America Great.” The deadline is October 31. See your English teacher for information or stop by the PoWeR Center and pick up an Entry Form.I will put a copy of the essay information in each of your boxes so you can distribute as you see fit.WHO CAN ENTER The Voice of Democracy Program is open to students in grades 9-12 (on the October 31 deadline), who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its territories.HOW TO ENTERVFW Post 9934 serves the area of the City of Dana Point, California, and other surrounding communities. In this area, contact VFW Post 9934 for additional assistance and a copy of the entry form.Telephone: (949) 248-1419Email: vfwpost9934@cox.netAddress: 33282 Golden Lantern St. Suite 103, Dana Point CA 92629For areas outside of Dana Point, California, contact the local VFW Post. For locations of other posts, go to THE CONTEST YEAR 2019-20The 2019-20 theme is: What Makes America GreatStudents should record their reading of the draft to an audio CD or flash drive. The recording can be no shorter than three minutes and no longer than five minutes (plus or minus five seconds).Entries begin at the Post level. Once the student creates their essay and completes burning the audio version to an audio CD/flash drive, they can submit their typed version, CD/flash drive and the Voice of Democracy entry form to VFW Post 9934 by the October 31 deadline.JUDGING CRITERIAOriginality is worth 30 points: Treatment of the theme should show imagination and human interest.Content is worth 35 points: Clearly express your ideas in an organized manner. Fully develop your theme and use transitions to move smoothly from one idea to the other.Delivery is worth 35 points: Speak in a clear and credible mannerWHAT IS THE DEADLINE FOR MY ENTRY?All entries competing at the Post level must be in the hands of that VFW Post by midnight, October 31, 2019. It is the responsibility of the student to meet this deadline by submitting their entry to the proper location.

Trail Run

Come and enjoy the run and support the Montrose Special Olympics. The annual Riverbottom Trail Run is March 28, 2020 at 8:30am starting at 930 Colorado Ave. For more information call Amy Shelly at 970-249-2405 or signup at

STEM Camp Opportunity

Sophomores and Juniors If you are interested in applying for the 62nd Annual Frontiers of Science Institute Summer Camp at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley June 14- July 24, pick up an application in the MHS PoWeR Center. Applications are due March 13th.

Summer Workshop

Girls Leadership Camp

Sophomore and Junior Girls, if you are interested in applying for the All-girls Summer Leadership Camp at Cottey College in Missouri, June 15- 20, pick up an application in the MHS PoWeR Center. The camp is a week-long summit focused on leadership and skill building for change makers and barrier breakers. Students who attend this leadership summit are eligible for a scholarship to Cottey College.


STEMposium: You are invited to a day of education and information at the Manufactures Expo. and the MCSD STEMposium. Attending the Manufacturers Expo is free and a great way to connect with the companies, services, and products that are made right here, locally! Check out this link for more information. MCSD will be showcasing mobile maker spaces, interactive robots, Fantastic Plastic Recycling Program, STEM summer camp projects, engineering by design process, AP computer science game design, School Solar Endeavors, laser engravers, 3D printing, commercial drones and ROVs, Geek Squad repair business, and the biomedical sciences. MHS Media will livestream the event on Youtube. We look forward to seeing you there!


In honor of Workforce Development Month for September, The Power Center is hosting apprenticeship open-houses. On Wednesday, September 18th Tri-State will be available in the Power Center and on Thursday, September 19th the Sheet Metal Workers Union will be available from 2:00-4:00. Please stop by and visit with these agencies about options after graduation.
Sheet Metal Workers