Nearpod in the Classroom

Feedback PD-2-GO

Goal-Setting Routines (1).pdf

Goal-Setting Routines

Mark your calendars for a half hour Pop Up PD session for Thursday and Friday, January 21st & 22nd, where we will exchange ideas for maintaining student goals in the classroom and share some ready to use templates for successful implementation in the classroom. You may join us live in room 105 or via Zoom. You may also access the Self-Guided Nearpod with the code: 2T5IE

The clickable Canva presentation is located here on the left for you.

Mindfulness for Educators

After completing several courses with Mindful Schools, and participating in the Mindfulness Professional Learning Community at Morris Hills, Sara Bauer, Nicole Gentile, and Karie Shen wanted to share research and practices with you by creating a self-paced PD experience that would fit into your demanding schedule. 

The result is Mindfulness for Educators.  Their hope is that you will encounter some tips and ideas that will be practical and useful in the educational environment. 

Click on the image to the left to access a self-paced Nearpod. You will earn 1.5 hours of PD upon completion of this Nearpod in Frontline.