Presentation Time

You've got great notes, an innovative solution, and a creative visual aid. It's time to present to the judge!

First Impressions Matter

#1: Smile, have fun, and be confident (or fake it)

#2: Interact with the judge

- Introduce yourself

- Have a firm handshake

- Ask if you can sit down

- Ask a question (examples)

"How is your morning going?"

"How is your day so far?"

"How was your drive this morning?"

PRO TIP! Remember the judge's name - either real or from the role play

Present Your Solution

Jump into your presentation via your Performance Indicators and present your ideas using your chosen organizational method (Template, Agenda, D.E.C.A. or M.D.A.). Don't forget your visual aids!

Close the Sale: End your presentation with a question

Example: You were asked to analyze a situation, present your findings, and provide recommendations.

Close: Is the information we/I presented to you sufficient and are you satisfied with the recommendations we/I have provided?


Example 2: You are in a situation where you have an upset customer and have to figure out a way to resolve the situation.

Close: You are a valued customer to us and I want to make sure you understand this. Will the solution I have come up with ensure that we will get you back as a customer of ours in the future?

Ask the judge if they have any questions. They will ALWAYS have questions.

Answer the judges questions (examples)

“Which business is the worst option and why?”

“How can we use the chosen strategy in our marketing plans?”

“Are we alienating any potential markets with this new strategy focus?”

“What communication channels provide the best methods to reach our target audience?”

PRO TIP: Take a second to think, but don’t pause too much to think of an answer to the judges questions. Talk and think at the same time.

Finish strong.

Thank the judge for their time (by name). Give a time in which you will follow up with them.

Example: If it works for you, I will follow up next week by phone.

Shake their hand. Push in the chair. Exit the room.