Role Play Templates

One effective method of getting your ideas organized during your prep time is to use the TEMPLATE method.

Page #1: Instructions & Performance Indicators

Step #1: Instructions & Situation

When you enter the prep room you will receive two printed sheets of paper.

- Page #1 contains the instructions and the specific Performance Indicators for your event

- Page #2 contains the specific event scenario

You should also get a writing utensil and as many pieces of blank paper as you need

The scenario present a problem.

Your job is to solve it.

Page #2: Business Scenario

Step #2: Create a template

Divide one side of blank paper into five sections (if you have more than four performance indicators, divide the other side into another four sections)

If you have four or fewer PIs, your template can look like this.

If you have five or more PIs, divide the back of the page into quarters too.

Step #3: Skim and identify important info

Write the following in the top box

1) Who you are

2) The company name

3) Who the judge is

4) The thesis question (ie the problem you need to solve)

Step #4: List your Performance Indicators

In each of the boxes on your template, write a Performance Indicator. You may need to abbreviate for the sake of time.

Step #5: Transfer Information

Transfer any important information about your Performance Indicators that you found in your scenario or that you want to remember into each of the boxes.

Step #6: Create your solution PI by PI

Use the Performance Indicators as a frame on which you build your solution, step by step.

Don't forget to:


Back It Up

Be Confident

Practice Tip!

Although you won't be able to write on the PI or Scenario pages during the actual competition, you can practice by identifying the following on sample scenarios.


Roles & Thesis (Yellow)

PI#1: Purple

PI#2: Green

PI#3: Red

PI#4: Blue