Mount Horeb High School 

Business Education Department

The purpose of the Mount Horeb High School Business Education Department is to ensure that all students acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to become life-long learners and productive citizens in diverse, rapidly-changing business environment and society.

Enrolling in MHHS Business, Marketing, and Information Technology courses assists students in:

Many courses are available for college credit.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)  provides comprehensive course offerings that prepares students for independent living, responsible citizenship, and career readiness.  CTE encourages students to be engaged in applicable skills and knowledge, hands on learning, and career based learning experiences. 

Summary CTE 2022-2023 MHHS Courses

Jodie Baber

Business Education Teacher

Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator 

Allison Carroll

Business Education Teacher 

DECA Advisor

Michael Cassidy

Business Education Teacher