About Our Program

Vocal Music has been a valued part of the Marysville Exempted Village Schools curriculum since the 1920's. Mrs. Dolores Winters established many ensembles such as the Symphonic Choir and Swingers Unlimited Show Choir in the 1960's.

The Marysville High School Vocal Music program, under the direction of Mrs. Bizzaro features 4 academic choirs (Symphonic Choir, Advanced Treble, Bass Choir and Treble Choir). There are also 2 auditioned extracurricular choirs offered to students. A Cappella Choir, directed by Mrs. Bizzaro, features unaccompanied voices singing a variety of contemporary songs. Show Choir, directed by Jeremy Alfera, is an award-winning group of singers and dancers that travels to competitions throughout the Midwest.

In addition to these groups, the Marysville Vocal Music program has a strong feeder program in the 7th and 8th grade choral groups, directed by Mrs. Emily Campbell, as well as a in 5th and 6th grade choir, directed by Mrs. Adrien McGuire.

All of these groups perform regularly throughout the year. At our community events, you will hear music from some of the strongest musicians at Bunsold Middle School and Marysville High School. Our Vocal Music Staff would like to thank the Marysville community for their continued support! Please check our live calendar!

Contact Info:

Mrs. Brianna Bizzaro - brianna.bizzaro@mevsd.us

Mrs. Emily Campbell- emily.campbell@mevsd.us

Mrs. Adrien McGuire- aemcguir@mevsd.us

Mr. Jeremy Alfera- mralfera@gmail.com

Boosters- marysvillechoralboosters@gmail.com

Booster Treasurer- choralboostertreasurer@gmail.com