Social Studies Topics include:

  • Native Americans

  • Early Exploration

  • The 13 Colonies

  • The French and Indian War

  • The Revolutionary War

  • The Constitution

  • The Branches of Government

  • Westward Expansion

Social Studies Resources

Discovery Ed. (open from the Lauch Pad)

Mr. Nussbaum's interactive exploration website: Explorers.

Pebble Go Next (open from the Launch Pad)

Pebble Go

What was it like to start a new colony in the early 1600's? Find out as you participate in the Jamestown Adventure at Jamestown Adventure

Research various explorers on: Ducksters World Explorers page

The game below will help you become familiar with the original 13 colonies. colonies_map/

This site has a variety of resources for your research throughout the year.

Symbaloo Social Studies Links