6th Grade Health

6th Grade Health: ( 2 days out of 6 day cycle, 45 minutes per class on alternating marking periods )

What students need for class: Health folder (will be provided) and Pencil

Arrive on time! Class will start promptly at 11:45am. If you arrive after the classroom door is closed you will need to get a signed pass from the teacher of your previous class to enter health class.

Health class will meet in the 6th Grade Health Room (S627) unless told otherwise by your health teacher or homeroom teacher.

Complete the work! Health grades will be based on a variety of measures such as quizzes, in-class assignments, projects, class participation and preparation.

You are responsible to make up any missed work when absent from class for sickness or other school related reasons (ex. music lessons).

*** If there is a quiz or special project scheduled the day you have a music lesson, please make arrangements IN ADVANCE to reschedule your lesson***

Any specific rules or procedures that your health teacher may have will be covered during the first health class.


  • Fitness

  • Nutrition

  • Drugs (Alcohol, Marijuana, and Inhalants)