5th Grade Phys. Ed

Dear Parents,

A quality physical education program is offered to students as part of our curriculum. We will be using many fitness and skill related activities from the SPARK Physical Education program. SPARK (Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids) of San Diego State University is an “Exemplary Program” of the U.S. Dept. of Education. The curricula has evolved from a National Institutes of Health study; SPARK has been proven effective by objective research and field testing with tens of thousands of elementary age students and their teachers.

It is important to me that every child feels successful each day, and that they leave class eager to have physical education again. That is why I plan to incorporate SPARK’s “SEAD” philosophy. Our classes will be Safe, Enjoyable, Active, and Developmentally Appropriate. This is the “new PE” you may have read about. Students won’t waste time waiting in lines for a turn or be chosen last for a team. Everyone will feel successful each lesson.

One of my class goals is to actively engage children in sufficient amounts of moderate to vigorous physical activity to improve and/or maintain their physical health and well being. Another goal is to encourage children to apply the skills and knowledge they acquire during class and to seek opportunities to be active outside of school and as part of a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, instructional units are planned to develop motor, personal, and social skills.

Our 5th grade classes will have physical education three days in their six day cycle. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for physical activity every day. For comfort and safety purposes, he/she should wear sneakers and clothes suitable for activity.

Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. Therefore, your child’s participation is very important. If she/he is sick or unable to participate in all activities, please let me know via note or phone call prior to the scheduled class. It would be helpful if the note states the specific nature of the ailment and your suggested restrictions.