

Weekly Self Care Tip

Tip #1: Use a Journal or Feelings Tracker

Give your kids a journal to write about feelings or use a feelings tracker daily. Sometimes worries are so big it feels like they define our whole day, but when we keep track of our feelings throughout the day with a visual tool, it’s easier to see that worries are a smaller part of a healthy balance of emotions. Student can write or draw a picture.

Mrs. Willis

Phone: 469-645-8242


Google Meetings every Tuesday

12:00 - 12:30

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US)‪+1 865-635-9542

PIN: ‪638 288 865#

SEL Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Help your child release tension from their body with a progressive muscle relaxation activity. In this exercise, children gradually tense up their muscles and then release them.

Coronavirus Handout - Counselor Keri.pdf
Coronavirus Student Handout Spanish - Counselor Keri.pdf