Team Building Activities

Get to know your new freshman classmates and build lasting bonds through fun experiences.

Processing Tips for Group Activities

A fun icebreaker that can be useful for camps, workplace bonding, or other large group events. Work together as a team to arrange yourselves in a line according to birth date. This icebreaker starts as chaos, and ends with order as all participants work together to discover the facts they need and arrange themselves accordingly.

Construct a tower as high as possible using only toothpick/spaghetti and marshmallows.

Additional instructions

Be quick on the draw and help your team win all the RPS glory!

Build communication skills, and a tasty hamburger, while having some fun with new friends. Variations of this game can make it quite a time to laugh.

Are you a good storyteller? Can you paint a picture with your words? Guide a new friend through a drawing and see what masterpiece a team can make.

Work with the members of your team to get your whole group through a dangerous (fictional) situation! Develop your teamwork and leadership skills while strategizing with your group to beat the clock!