Program Curriculum

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Mindful Monday Virtual Library

Virtural Mindful Monday 

A Student using the Hallway Calm Down Spot to self-regulate

Calm Down Spots

In effort to introduce our new Hallway Calm Down Spots, I created a video for staff and students. I reviewed expectations, rules, and how to properly use each item located in the Calm Down Spots.  I also added in videos and photos of our Smith Leopards modeling how to respectfully use and return the items provided for self-regulation. 

Students love using the Flower Sensory Pathway in the Hallways

A student utlizing our Hallway Calm Down Spots! 

Therapy Chicks visiting our Smith Leopards!

Resources for self-regulating while at the Calm Down Spot. 

Our students loved when, Vito, my therapy dog would come visit them in my office. 

Example Lesson Plan for Social Emotional Learning

Don't Flip Your Lid
Smith SEL Lessons Prek-5th
Settle Your Glitter Prek-1st Meet the Counselor

SEL Lessons in Kindergarten using our 5 senses!  We did Mindful Eating and learned self-regulation techniques by using sight, sound, touch, and smell. 

Meet the Counselor - Mrs. Potato Head and SEL Lesson (Mood Meter)

Demonstrating our Deep Breathing Techniques

Using slime to help us Self-regulate during our Glarea House Party!

Working with Stakeholders

The Smith Elementary counselor believes each stakeholder plays a vital role in education, with the goal of helping students identify the support available to them and utilizing that support. The counselor works with her school community to provide resources and opportunities for the students at Smith Elementary. The counselor strives to provide support for students academically, socially, and emotionally and to help connect them with people that will continue to help them grow. The counselor will work closely with parents by communicating goals effectively and by providing resources and education. Staff members are an essential part of collaboration because nothing can replace the amount of time a teacher spends with their students and the relationships that they can develop through the year. The counselor will also work closely with community stakeholders such as the SROs, local business owners, and mental health programs. Working with each stakeholder, the counselor can continue to develop goals and address deficiencies in Interpersonal Effectiveness, Intrapersonal Effectiveness, Post-secondary Planning and Career Readiness, and Personal Health and Safety. The counselor will continue to share goals and missions with the stakeholders and periodically obtain feedback from each group to plan the trajectory of the counseling program.