Independent Living

Health Care


Mindfulness Activities: Mindfulness is an evidenced based practice that improves student attention and aids emotional regulation.






Independent Living





Independent Living Lessons

You will find several Independent Living lessons posted below. The lessons are designed to be facilitated on line by a combination of virtual meetings, small group instruction, individual instruction and independent activity. Please feel free to modify lessons to fit your students needs. Some of the lessons may be lengthy, please feel free to teach a lesson over a few days.

Tips for facilitating virtual lessons:

  • Set clear expectations

  • Encourage Active Participation

  • Encourage group collaboration in smaller "zoom rooms."

  • Make information "bite size" and utilize videos/ other multimedia

Lesson Plans Below:

  • Video Resume: show how home skills translate to work skills

  • Create a One Page Profile

  • Visual One Page Profile Lessons

Community Maps Lesson Plan

The Community Maps lesson plan provides an activity for students to explore their surroundings. The lesson will provide an activity that can be completed in person with groups of students exploring an area, or virtually with students utilizing google maps or google street view to explore an area. The examples in the lesson plan are from Eugene, however please replace the map of Eugene with a map of your local area. For more information about this process, please see Transition Planning: Community Mapping as a Tool for Teachers and Students from Improving Secondary Education and Transition Services through Research April 2005 • Vol. 4, Issue 1

Pro Tip 1: Repeat this lesson exploring a different map/neighborhood of your town each week.

Pro Tip 2: Create a google site website where you store pictures, documents, information about each neighborhood you explore.

Lesson Materials:

Video Resume Lesson!

Video Resumes are a great way for students to document and demonstrate their skills! Video Resumes can show evidence of transferable skills that can be used in any job. Using Video Resumes are also a great way to include students in their IEP (and often make the IEP meeting a lot more fun! Download the lesson plan and storyboard to have your students make their own Video Resume.

Pro Tip: Not all your students will feel comfortable making a video resume. You can modify the lesson by having your students identify their transferable skills on the video resume story board. Students can share their storyboard at IEP meetings (instead of making a video).

Lesson Materials:

One Page Profile Lesson Plan

A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings: what people appreciate about me, what’s important to me and how best to support me. The One page profile helps us build better relationships with providers by sharing what truly matters for you.

Students can make a One Page Profile to share important information with teachers, vocational rehabilitation counselors, services coordinators, personal agents, personal support workers, etc.

Pro Tip: Please keep in mind that a One Page Profile can be anything that shares important information about you. Feel free to download the templates below for your students. However, if your students feel creative, feel free to have them make their own one page profiles! Download the three examples below, they all are very different examples of what a One Page Profile can look like!

Lesson Materials:

^Visual One Page Profile Lesson Plan

The Visual One Page Profile Lesson provides materials with extensive visual supports for students to make their own One Page Profile. The lesson plan and materials were created by Becky Wolf of Clackamas ESD. The lesson is designed to be taught over several days.

Pro Tip: Please have your students share their one page profile at IEP meetings and meetings with providers (e.g. VR intake meetings, ISP meeting, etc).

Lesson Materials: