
Be nice. Work hard.

It’s really simple. If you can be nice and work hard in my class, you will have the best possible quinmester, and so will your classmates.

This class is designed to be collaborative... that means working well together, listening to what your teammates have to offer, and encouraging one another. It also means you can’t be afraid to speak up and share your opinion!

Total Points

All assignments are given a point value based on time and effort. When looking at grades in Genesis, please look at the overall point value for each assignment to understand the true value and effect on your average


It is the responsibility of the student to make up missed work and check Google Classroom for assignments.


Privacy is important. All YouTube videos created for class are posted as private videos. The only way to view the videos is with the link provided in class and will only be seen by students or interested family members. Sorry. We are not trying to create a viral sensation.