Mena Gifted & Talented
The GT program at Mena School District is designed to meet the needs of students who demonstrate a talent for using higher level thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving.
The goal of this program is for students to feel free to explore difficult areas and come to see mistakes, not as something to be ashamed of, but rather an indication that a challenge has been accepted. Students will be involved in broad themes, appropriate for integration within multiple disciplines. These topics will nurture growth in critical and creative thinking, independent and group investigation, use of technology in the acquisition of knowledge and creation of products, affective development, leadership skills, and encourage service learning.
Mena School District provides K-3 students with whole group enrichment. In 3rd-5th grade, GT identified students are served in a GT resource room through a pull-out program. GT identified students in grades 6th-8th receive differentiated lessons from their core subject teachers. GT identified students in grades 9 and above are served in Accelerated, AP®, and/or Concurrent Credit classes.
If you feel your child needs and qualifies for this program, you can access the referral several different ways:
Parents and guardians of students in 3rd grade and above may refer using an online form: Mena GT Referral Form
If you need a paper copy of the referral form, you may ask your child's homeroom teacher, or call 479-394-3151
Mena GT Coordinator
Mrs. Sims is the GT and ESL District Coordinator. Mrs. Sims earned her Early Childhood Education Bachelors at Arkansas Tech University. She earned her Masters in Special Education: Gifted and Talented at Arkansas State University. Mrs. Sims was a 4th grade teacher at Dardanelle Intermediate for two years and taught 5th grade GT at Russellville Intermediate School for one year before accepting the GT/ESL Coordinator position for Mena School District.
Please feel free to email her at or by phone at 479-394-3151