Survey Results

Below are the results of a survey we sent out, as of February 15th 2024, asking the surveyor's age, whether they were immigrants, if they believed everyone had the right to healthcare, if they were comfortable reaching out for medical help, and if they supported mental health being incorporated into health care for undocumented immigrants. We made this survey to get a grasp on what the students and teachers of Melrose High School thought about these issues.

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Our findings have concluded that 91.8% of respondents believe healthcare is a basic human right, and support government subsidized mental health services. WIth this, only 64.3% of the respondents know how to access mental health services However, 96.9% of respondents believe mental health services should already be included in healthcare services. With this, 74.5% of respondents feel comfortable reaching out to healthcare providers for help with mental health services.