Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning provides a framework to insure access to all students to the learning environment.

Let's start. Consider what are the barriers preventing the student from accessing instruction, curriculum, or learning environment. Consider how multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression might support the removal of barriers.

Barrier ID form Packet w Symptoms(1).pdf

Multiple Means of Engagement

With barriers in mind, consider how you support the student to self-regulate, develop intrinsic interest, and persevere.

udl_guidelines_engagement - Copy.pdf
udl_guidelines_representation - Copy.pdf

Multiple Means of Representation

With potential barriers in mind for the student, consider and plan for multiple means of representation.

Multiple Means of Action and Expression

Plan for multiple ways for the student express learning including physical action and options to support executive functioning.

udl_guidelines_action___expression - Copy.pdf