
Students will be accessing more and more online assessments.

  • See these tools for access to tools for building students’ understanding of the skills for online assessments.
  • See list of tools for providing online assessments for students.
  • See Google Form templates for quick formative assessments to use with students. (Note: Make a copy of the form to edit your own.)

Provide students supports in the completion of assessments.

  • Provide students with extra time to complete assessments.
  • Provide for multiple means of expression when possible. See strategies for ideas.
  • Support students in accessing after or before school teacher help.
  • Clarify directions. Ask students to annotate directions, writing prompts, and test questions.
  • Provide for short breaks during assessment.

Allow opportunities for student revision and retakes of assessment.

  • See link for MHS policy for revision/retake.

Provide opportunities for student self-assessment of their learning.

  • Provide opportunities for self-reflection and goal setting including their own strengths.
  • Have students develop short term goals for each unit.
  • Incorporate the use of visual thinking routines to provide students opportunities for self-reflection.

Support the creation of digital portfolios with students to support their understanding of learning over time and growth toward specific competencies/standards.

  • See link for resources to support digital portfolios.

Support student's development of study skills.

  • Post classrooms presentation, notes, and materials using Google Apps for Educations including Google Classroom.
  • Provide access to copies of classroom notes.
  • Provide direct instruction in taking notes, i.e. using two column note format.

Assign peer tutors.

  • At MHS, access National Honor Society students to tutor students.

Provide opportunities for multiple formative assessments before a summative assessment.

  • Use formative assessment to support students identifying areas of need including set of goals. Set short goals with students based upon formative assessment.
  • Incorporate use of technology for short formative assessments such as Socrative, Kahoot, Plickers, and Quizlet.
  • See video example of how exit tickets can support student formative assessment.

Provide clear criteria for success on assessments to support the identification of needed strategies.

  • Provide student single point rubric to clearly identify criteria for success.
  • Review standards/criteria for success several times during the unit.