Lesson Design

Plan specifically for multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement.

DCAP UDL Storyboard Templates

DCAP UDL Storyboard Templates

A planning tool to support universal design for learning lesson planning.

Plan to remove barriers for the student.

Barrier ID form Packet - Stapled 50 Copies.pdf

Share lesson goals with students each day and check on progress towards those goals at the end and throughout the lesson.

  • See video for one example of teacher sharing the lesson's learning objective with students.
  • See video for one example of teacher sharing the essential question with students.
  • See video example of teacher unpacking a learning target with students in fourth and fifth grade classroom.
  • See video example of teacher unpacking a learning target with students in a kindergarten classroom.

Provide a daily agenda to students.

Provide for consistent routines for the literacy and math block.

  • See resources for implementing the literacy block.
  • See resources for implementing the math block.

Check for understanding frequently.

  • See link for strategies for checking for understanding.

Incorporate opportunities for student movement into lessons.

Incorporate “wait time” into lessons.

  • See video of an example of a teacher explaining how she uses wait time to scaffold a student response.

Design lessons with 10-2 or chunk/chew in mind.

  • Research reinforces the importance of allowing at least two minutes of student processing time with every ten minutes of teacher lecture. It is the two minutes that supports comprehensible output, negotiating meaning, and a risk-free environment to try new vocabulary and concepts with someone the student understands — another student. Also connected to brain research is the idea of “chunking” information.

Provide for multiple grouping structures.

  • See link for description of cooperative learning structures.
  • See link for videos of different grouping structures.
  • See video for think pair share in primary classroom.
  • See video for three strategies to support student collaboration.

Provide for multiple means for students to express their learning.

  • See link for strategies for providing for multiple means of representation.
  • Incorporate use of technology for assessment including Plickers, Google Forms, Quizlet, and Socrative.