The Bison Story Podcast

Bison are native to Europe -- not North America. However, the bison has been present in North American for upwards of 150,000 years. Through this time, bison have impacted both the natural and cultural landscape of North America. "Meeteetse Stories," the official podcast of the Meeteetse Museums, sought to tell the story of the bison through time- from their arrival in North America to current reintroduction efforts.

This story was told with the help of experts including Jason Baldes (Executive Director, Wind River Native Advocacy Center), Dr. Chris Widga (Head Curator, Grey Fossil Site and Museum, East Tennessee State University), Dr. Jeff M. Martin (Director of Research for the Center of Excellence for Bison Studies at the West River Research and Extension Center, South Dakota State University in Rapid City), Dr. Lawrence Todd (Colorado State University, Emeritus), and Dr. Kenneth Cannon (Cannon Heritage Consultants). Guests of the podcast became scientific advisors of the project and their involvement was crucial to the project's development.