Why Badges

Why Badges in Medway?

Not ready to become a Google Educator? Is it hard to demonstrate all the great things you try in your class? Are you looking to become part of a Medway community inside and outside of your school.

The earning of badges is an easy way to share with others your level of understanding and demonstrating your skills in different areas. This sharing can happen in a digital fashion with your badges represented on your website or other online location associated with your profile.

Teachers and educators often preach the importance of personalization and individualization of content for students. However, professional development experiences for teachers are often one-size-fits-all excursions. By engaging teachers in conversations about digital badges, district professionals are empowering teachers to engage in conversations about what skills and knowledge they need and want.

Additionally, when teachers earn badges, they become part of a community. They are recognized as members who have specific expertise, knowledge, and abilities. This is powerful as it recognizes teachers as professionals who can assess their current instructional needs and engage in learning that addresses those needs.

There's a Badge For That | Tech Learning." 2014. 1 Apr. 2016 <http://www.techlearning.com/news/0002/theres-a-badge-for-that/63725>