
Health Law Advocates

Health Law Advocates (HLA) is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm whose mission is to provide pro bono legal representation to residents in low-income situations experiencing difficulty accessing or paying for needed medical services. HLA is committed to ensuring universal access to quality health care in Massachusetts, particularly for those who are most at risk due to such factors as race, gender, disability, age, or geographic location. With its partner organization, Health Care For All, HLA combines legal expertise with grassroots organizing and policy reform to advance the statewide movement for universal health care access.

Norfolk County Court

Family/Probate Lawyer of the Day - Get basic legal advice, help understanding laws and your rights, and assistance filling out forms

Norfolk County Juvenile Court

Child Requiring Assistance (formerly known as CHINS)

Find out what will happen in court, who may be involved, and what your rights are as a parent, legal guardian, or custodian in a Child Requiring Assistance (CRA) case (formerly known as CHINS).

A CRA case is one where parents, guardians, or school officials ask the court to help supervise a child. Find out what will happen after you or a representative from your child's or ward's school has filed an Application for a Child Requiring Assistance for your child. If you have questions about the court proceedings that aren't answered here, you can ask your attorney if you're being represented by counsel or the clerks in the Clerk-Magistrate's office of the court where your child's case is being heard. For information on where to file a CRA, please contact your local Juvenile Court.

Department of Youth Services

As the Juvenile Justice agency for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Department of Youth Services promotes positive change in the youth in our care and custody.