Kelley/Ryan Team

Grade 6



Big shout out to our budding economists that participated in today's Final Shark Tank show down. So proud of all the students' innovative ideas and remarkable presentation skills. We truly have some talented young minds in our community....and we are proud to announce that the winning idea was part of our team. So ask your child about the M.O.M. Bot today!

Just a few notes:

  • IXL is coming our way. IXL (from "I excel") is a math & language arts practice website for K-12 . It has unlimited questions on thousands of math topics and a comprehensive reporting system. We will be doing a diagnostic in both Math and Language Arts. The Math diagnostic will be given tomorrow and the Language Arts diagnostic will be given on Friday, 10/25. Please have your children bring headphones just in case.
  • Progress Reports are being sent out via mail sometime today. It is our understanding that you will see a progress report on grades and absences. You can check Infinite Campus to see the details for each subject and assignment. Please remember, this is just progress and we will have more grades to come. Students can hand in any missing work for partial credit.
  • Conference information will be sent out soon and all dates will be in November.

Working snack will be allowed this year, but absolutely no peanuts or tree nuts of any kind will be allowed. Our classrooms are a peanut, tree-nut free zone this year.

First Current event was assigned. It is due November 1. Requirements were handed out and discussed in class today, 9/4. Link is also posted on the World Geography tab on this site...just look at the bottom of the page. A copy is also posted on Google classroom.