
/network endpoints

When I, provide my userId in the url path, following endpoints perform these operation:

  • GET /person/{userId}/network - gets all users in my care team

  • GET /person/{userId}/network/other - gets all users who have me in their care team

  • ALL /person/{userId}/network/fhir - is a CRUD for related persons* in my network (care team) - even as a phonebook item, they have to be managed in some way - they are not users (they are not connected to the user object) so they don't have userId - they only have fhirId

  • ALL /person/{userId}/network/user - is a CRUD for all users in our platform - we manage them using our userId - on the backend side, that still gets converted to the fhir for proper storing

Related person*

"Related person" in our system can be looked at like a phonebook item. However, that is still an object that we have to create in FHIR. Therefore even though it is not very usable (cannot log in), still it has it's own FHIR id.