Frequently Asked Questions

What are the homework expectations?

Everyday, math homework is assigned to students. However, opportunities to complete in class are provided. The expectation is that students complete assigned work in the classroom. If work is not finished, it will be sent home to complete.

Homework is a great way to build good routines in preparation for the expectations of middle school and high school. We highly suggest that you make reading a habit in your home. 20 minutes of reading a day and earning a 'green light' on Reflex are great tools to use to build routines and get into good homework habits.

Can we celebrate birthdays?

You are welcome to send in a birthday treat for the whole class. Please make sure that you also send in any other supplies needed to enjoy the treat (forks, plates, etc). We will send information about any allergies and number of students in our class at the beginning of the year. 

What holiday/celebrations will you have?

Throughout the year, we will celebrate different holidays. To make sure that all students are included, please let us know if there is a specific religious/cultural holiday that you would like us to learn about/celebrate.

We also have a section in our classroom library that includes books and authors that represent different cultures and moments in history. For example, in February we will have books on Black History Month.

Are snacks allowed in school?

Students are allowed to have snacks during the school day. Please provide a healthy snack for your child. They may keep it in their desk until they want to eat it or wait for a scheduled break.. We will also have snacks they can purchase with their ”Responsi-bills” or take a free snack during scheduled snack times.

*Please send in a water bottle for them to drink daily.

What are Responsi-bills?

We believe in positive reinforcement to build confidence, foster kindness, and encourage effort. Responsi-bills are paper money that student can earn for a variety of reasons such as putting in extra effort, showing kindness, or following class expectations. These responsi-bills will be kept in a “wallet” we will create in the classroom. It is the child’s responsibility to keep track of their responsi-bills as well. 

They can spend responsi-bills on specific privileges. Students can use responsi-bills to buy daily snacks or use at store. The last Friday of each month, we will watch a movie, have a snack, and have a variety of prizes or reward coupons to buy. 

What should my child do if they miss school?

We will catch your child up on any work they missed the following day. If they feel up to it, they can independently read or use apps via Clever (Reflex, IXL, Raz-Kids) We would rather they rest then overload them with work. Pease feel free to reach out if your child will be absent for an extended period of time. We can be flexible and get paper copies of assignments if that works better for your family. 

What is the Reading League and how is it used in class?

Reading League is instructional strategies based on the science of reading. This practice allows us to specifically target areas of need and ways to continue to challenge your child in reading.

We use it in our classroom by teaching a phonics skill whole group. We learn a spelling pattern and words are given based on that pattern. We also include it in centers to target specific skills that students may need extra help in.

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the reading league website.

What is your bathroom policy?

Students may use the bathroom at any time during the day. However, we encourage students to use the bathroom at times when instruction is not taking place. We strategically place 'brain breaks' throughout our day. We remind and encourage students that this is a great time to use the bathroom and fill up water bottles if needed. The bathrooms are located extremely close to our classroom which makes quick bathroom breaks super convenient!