Mrs. Quinnell's Classes


Welcome to my class! As your teacher and/or casemanager I am excited to learn with you. I strive to teach skills that meet state standards but also social/emotional and life skills. My goal is to help ever student be a successful and active member of society.

About Me

This is my 17th year of teaching and my fifth year at Medford. My husband and I have a dairy farm which keeps us extremely busy. We have three kids, two dogs, two cats, and countless cows!

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and anything outdoors. I'm a lover of nature and would rather spend a day outdoors than indoors. I believe reading is an important factor in success.

My Philosophy of Education

I am passionate about teaching students to be as independent as possible. I enjoy networking with families and service providers to ensure all the student's needs are being met, both as school and in life beyond school. I strive to teach academics that meet the educational standards but are also functional skills students will need in their adult life.

Contact Information

Phone: 715-748-5951 extension 479