United States History: Quarter 4

Chapter 26: The Vietnam War (1954 - 1975)

Essential Questions:

  1. How does military conflict divide people within cultures?
  2. Should citizens support the government during wartime?

"I Can"

  1. Appraise why the United States provided military aid to the French in Indochina.
  2. Discuss how American involvement in Vietnam changed during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.
  3. Describe the military tactics that were used by the Vietcong and how American troops responded.
  4. Evaluate why Americans disagreed about the Vietnam War.
  5. Explain why 1968 was considered the most turbulent year of the 1960s.
  6. Summarize the policies employed by Nixon to end the war.
  7. Contrast the political and cultural aftermath of the Vietnam War and previous international conflicts.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.a.h
  4. SS.Hist2.b.h
  5. SS.Hist3.a.h
  6. SS.Hist3.c.h

Chapter 27: The Politics of Protest (1960 - 1980)

Essential Questions:

  1. What did students, women, and Latinos learn from the civil rights movement and apply to their protest actions?
  2. How has society changed for students, women, and Latinos?

"I Can"

  1. Compare and contrast the protest techniques used by student protesters with those of the civil rights era.
  2. Analyze how the counterculture movement affected the nation.
  3. Identify the events that revitalized the women's movement
  4. Describe the political and economic gains women made during this time.
  5. Analyze why many Mexicans migrated to the United States from the early to mid-1900s, and how this affected American society.
  6. Contrast the Latino approach to gaining civil rights from the African American approach during the civil rights era.
  7. Explain how groups such as the United Farm Workers and La Raza Unida promote Latino civil rights.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.a.h
  4. SS.Hist2.b.h
  5. SS.Hist3.c.h

Chapter 28: Politics and Economics (1968 - 1980)

Essential Questions:

  1. How do you think the Nixon administration affected people's attitudes toward government?
  2. How does society change the shape of itself over time?

"I Can"

  1. Distinguish Nixon's keys to victory in the 1968 presidential election.
  2. Select what I think was Nixon's greatest foreign policy achievement.
  3. Explain why Nixon's advisers ordered a break-in at the Democratic Party's headquarters.
  4. Evaluate how much power a president can wield to ensure national security.
  5. Analyze the economic conditions or problems that led to a stagnant economy during the 1970s.
  6. Assess how Ford and Carter tried to resolve the nation's domestic issues.
  7. Rank President Carter's greatest foreign policy success and failure.
  8. Explain how African American civil rights leaders changed their reform focus.
  9. Analyze what civil rights gains have been made by Native Americans since the 1960s.
  10. Describe how federal legislation protects the civil rights of people with disabilities.
  11. Identify the concerns that inspired the environmental movement.
  12. Interpret how new laws passed in this time period protected the environment.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.b.h
  4. SS.Hist2.c.h
  5. SS.Hist3.a.h
  6. SS.Hist3.b.h

Chapter 29: The Resurgence of Conservatism

Essential Questions:

  1. How do you think the resurgence of conservative ideas has changed society?

"I Can"

  1. Evaluate whether I am a liberal or conservative and why.
  2. Explain why some regions of the country are more conservative or more liberal.
  3. Identify how Reagan's early personal experiences influenced his political beliefs.
  4. Hypothesize how I would fight stagflation if I were President.
  5. Summarize why Reagan built up the military.
  6. Explain how discount retailing and new forms of media contributed to the economic boom of the 1980s.
  7. Assess why new activist groups formed in the 1980s.
  8. Describe how Gorbachev's attempts to revive the Soviet Union's economy lead to a revolution.
  9. Explain how the end of the Cold War led to more global U.S. military conflicts.
  10. Summarize why President George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection in 1992.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.a.h
  4. SS.Hist2.b.h
  5. SS.Hist3.a.h

Chapter 30: A Time of Change (1980 - 2000)

Essential Questions:

  1. How have improvements in science and technology helped change society?
  2. How have immigration, technology, and global trade changed the world?

"I Can"

  1. Identify what domestic polity areas Clinton focused on during his first presidential term.
  2. Describe how the Republican party responded to their victory in the 1994 midterm elections.
  3. Summarize why President Clinton's domestic agenda was less aggressive during his second term.
  4. Discuss how the Clinton administration provided foreign aid to ares of conflict around the world.
  5. Assess how immigration laws have affected legal and illegal immigration to the United States.
  6. Discuss how the federal government has addressed immigration reform in the twenty-first century.
  7. Describe how the computer revolution changed the workplace.
  8. Explain how advances in telecommunications and the rise of the Internet have affected the U.S. standard of living.
  9. Summarize how NAFTA and other regional trading blocs have affected the global economy.
  10. Evaluate how the United States and other nations have responded to global environmental concerns.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.a.h
  4. SS.Hist2.b.h
  5. SS.Hist3.a.h
  6. SS.Hist3.b.h

Chapter 31: America's Challenges for a New Century (2001 - Present)

Essential Questions:

  1. How is American culture shaped by a set of common values and practices?
  2. How have disputes over ideas, values, and politics resulted in change?

"I Can"

  1. Summarize why the presidential election of 2000 was controversial.
  2. Identify what contributed to the rise in terrorist groups, and why these groups resorted to violent attacks.
  3. Analyze what major actions marked the beginning of the United States' war on terrorism.
  4. Explain why the United States wanted to overthrow the Taliban regime.
  5. Summarize the factors that led to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
  6. Explain how the September 11th terrorist attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq increase tension between the need for national security and protecting civil liberties.
  7. Measure the successes and failures of President George W. Bush's second term.
  8. Explain the issues and events that attracted support for Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
  9. Discuss how the economic recession and housing crisis affected Obama's domestic goals.
  10. Identify major domestic events that defined Obama's first years as president.
  11. Decide what the results of the 2010 midterm elections said about the mood of the nation at that time.
  12. Discuss how Americans reacted to the slow economic recovery from the recession.
  13. Explain why it was so difficult for Congress and the president to reach agreement on ways to improve the economy.
  14. Indicate how international issues affect the United States.
  15. Identify what issues defined the campaigns of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies

  1. SS.Hist1.a.h
  2. SS.Hist1.b.h
  3. SS.Hist2.a.h
  4. SS.Hist2.b.h
  5. SS.Hist3.a.h
  6. SS.Hist3.b.h
  7. SS.Hist3.c.h