Quarter 4

March - Drawing

Lesson: Literal Art

Essential Question: How does knowing and using visual art vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art?

I can...

  • identify and explain positive and negative space

  • develop an understanding of their perception of objects based on advertisement ads

  • recall a memory or feeling from looking at a certain image and it's colors


  • A.A.R.6.i: Describe

Describe details, subject matter, and the context of an artwork.

  • A.A.Cr.5.i: Plan

Brainstorm, discuss, and sketch ideas to solve an art problem.

  • A.A.R.8.i Interpret

Use details, subject matter, and context to interpret an artwork’s mood or meaning.

April - Careers within the Community

Lesson: Screen printing t-shirts

Essential Question: How can you make a career out of art?

I can...

  • understand the process it takes to create a t-shirt design

  • develop the skills and techniques to print a design on my own shirt

  • make connections to art careers within my own community


  • A.A.Cr.6.i: Make

Utilize more complex media to express an idea and expand knowledge of tools and techniques, with attention to craftsmanship.

  • A.A.Cn.5.i: Career Connections

Identify art and design processes in a variety of careers.

May - Art History

Check your child's grade!
